Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Evolution V.S. Creationism

Both theories attempt to explain where we originated from but none seem to be very solid. Still however, being a man of science im more inclined to take the side of evolution. In all of the debates i have seen so far, evolution has had somewhat of a advantage regarding evidence. The theory of creationism appears to have little factual support and it's advocates' only strategy is to disprove evolution. Creationist debaters rarely provide evidence for there theories and only disprove other theories leaving us with nothing but religion to believe in. This raises the notion that probably none of us are really right.

As for the concept of the wristwatch in the field, I beleive that to be relative to our current position in the world. A wristwatch is a symbol of perfection and complexity, but relating that to ourselves seems rather irrelevant because humans are FAR from perfect. We get diseases, fight wars, and resort to violence at the drop of a hat. I do believe it's amazing that we are alive and can even ponder these concepts however, im not about to give the credit to intelligent design due to the millions of other possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. I like the blog, but there is no personal information to let me know who you are. Let me know in class, so that I can give you credit.
